5.5 billion tenge loan granted to Kazakh salt producer by EBRD
JSC Araltuz planning to build new production facilities and diversify exports Araltuz is leading producer of table and industrial salt in Central Asia. European Bank
Araltuz JSC has been the largest producer of edible and technical salt in Kazakhstan since 1925. The main activities of the company are the extraction, production and sale of edible and technical salt.
Kyzylorda region, Aral district, settlement Zhaksykylysh
Company employees
Production capacity per year
Products are exported
On the market of Kazakhstan
ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2018
Araltuz JSC has been the largest producer of edible and technical salt in Kazakhstan since 1925. JSC «Araltuz» today is 97 years of experience in the extraction and processing of salt, constant modernization of production with the introduction of new projects and technologies, attraction of young specialists with creative thinking and expanding the sales market to the CIS countries and far
«Taking responsibility for the health and prosperity of the nation, we strive to produce and convey to each consumer the best Kazakh salt as the wealth of our native land, a source of life and a strategic resource for the development and operation of all sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan».
The first salt mining on the lakes began in 1913. In 1925, in the «Sol-artel» they reached an industrial scale. Later, the artel was transformed into the Aralsol plant. A small enterprise eventually became the flagship of the salt industry of the former Soviet Union.
After the collapse of the USSR, the Aralsol plant was privatized, which made it possible to switch to modern management and planning methods that meet the requirements of a market economy. In 1994, the company was reorganized into Araltuz JSC.
In 2012, the enterprise was included in the number of projects of the state program of industrial and innovative development, which made it possible to increase production capacity to 300 thousand tons over 5 years (from 2012 to 2017).
Two new plants were built in 2013 and 2016. The project and equipment were manufactured by the leading Spanish company SERRA Salt Machinery in the salt processing industry. In addition, workshops built in the 90s were modernized.
Today, Araltuz JSC processes more than 600 thousand tons of products and supplies them to the CIS countries and far abroad.
JSC Araltuz planning to build new production facilities and diversify exports Araltuz is leading producer of table and industrial salt in Central Asia. European Bank
This year Araltuz JSC launched new products under the OZERO brand, focusing on contemporary consumers with high requirements for product quality. OZERO products are 100%
+7 (727) 364 56 20
+7 (727) 364 56 30
120108, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda region, Aral district, settlement Zhaksykylysh, st. D. Mendeleev, building 1B.
050026, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, st. Zhumalieva 112.