5.5 billion tenge loan granted to Kazakh salt producer by EBRD
JSC Araltuz planning to build new production facilities and diversify exports Araltuz is leading producer of table and industrial salt in Central Asia. European Bank
Construction of a Modular Concentration Plant for the enrichment of manganese ore from the Akzhar-Sarytum deposit, with a capacity of 250 thousand tons per year.
Karaganda and Dzhambul regions
Jobs at the processing plant
Fraction 10-50
Fraction 0-10
Total drilling volume for 2024
The Akzhar-Sarytum field is located on the border of the Karaganda and Zhambyl regions, Ulkenzhol — in the Karaganda region. Both objects are located within the Akzhar-Sarytum synclinal structure extending to the west of Lake Balkhash. The nearest railway Saryshagan station is 47 km away from the first deposit, and 70 km from the second one. Another railway Kashkan-Teniz station is located 60 km southeast of the Akzhar-Sarytum field. A concrete highway is laid 3 km west of it. The high-voltage line VL-35 kV runs at the same distance.
After the completion of the first stage of exploration at the Akzhar Sarytuma site, C2 category reserves of 4,472.5 thousand tons of ore with an average manganese content of 22.55% were estimated and taken into account by the state balance sheet.
Additional geological exploration was carried out, which will allow clarifying the contours and other elements of the occurrence of ore bodies for the subsequent transfer of a significant part of the reserves to a higher category C1.
As part of the OPD, ~180 thousand m3 were mined and more than 3 thousand samples were taken, and the remaining ore reserves were formed. As of 01.01.2021 ore residues were formed in the amount of ~ 94 thousand tons.
The construction of a modular processing plant has begun, the expected launch date is the I quarter of 2024.
The ore processing technology of the Akzhar-Sarytuma deposit provides for the enrichment
of ores by jigging to obtain conditioned concentrates of two types:
Crushing and screening in the crushing and screening module (DSM)
Deposit | Average content Mn ore, % | The size stocks by category С2, thousands tons | Off-balance sheet reserves, thousands tons | Resources for category Р1, thousands tons | Total reserves, thousands tons |
Akzhar-Sarytum | 22,55% | 4473 | 3 468,90 | 3 465,70 | 11 407,10 |
Ulkenzhol | 20,55% | 527 | 3 867,00 | 2 133,80 | 6 527, 40 |
TOTAL | 4 999 | 7 335,90 | 5 600,00 | 17 934,50 |
JSC Araltuz planning to build new production facilities and diversify exports Araltuz is leading producer of table and industrial salt in Central Asia. European Bank
The first stage of drilling at the Kurumsak field has been successfully completed. Drilling was carried out using advanced technologies and was based on digitized
Dear citizens of Kazakhstan, Please accept our warmest and sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Today, on the eve of the New year, YASAI