Kurumsak site visit

At the beginning of June 2022 a field visit of the company’s employees to the Kurumsak oil field took place as part of the management, engineers and geologists of the holding. The main objective of the visit was to monitor the progress of exploration work at the verification drilling stage, together with SRK Consulting. At this stage, it is planned to carry out drilling operations with 2 drilling rigs with a total volume of 2800 liners meters, which at this stage will allow to select the necessary samples of core material for further transfer to a certified laboratory for analysis. Together, this stage is necessary to confirm the Soviet data and will allow in the future to receive a report on the Australian JORC reserve accounting system, as well as to complete the development of the Scoping Study. (Coffey, Tetra Tech Company) During the visit, the drilled wells were inspected, the drilling points of all wells were verified according to the drilling program, and recommendations were given for further types of work.