During the working trip of the director of Ushtagan-Gold LLP and the team of the project office, a bilateral meeting was held with representatives of the akimat of Bayanaul district for the purpose of preliminary acquaintance. During the discussion of the project, the parties identified further concrete steps in terms of the implementation of the planned project.
In addition, the company’s management visited the Ushtagan field, located in the Bayanaul district near Burkutty village. The field was inspected on site, the proposed location of the future factory, as well as the possible location of the quarry site and the site for the tailings. The nearest optimal points of connection to power lines, as well as water intake for the needs of the processing plant, have been preliminarily determined.
According to the director of Ushtagan-Gold LLP, there is still a lot to be done before the actual implementation of the construction of the factory, since the field is very young in terms of its exploration and development. However, the impressions from visiting the field are very positive.
“It can be noted that today a large amount of geological exploration has already been done. In September of this year, we expect the completion of research work on the deposit, after which the most optimal technology for extracting gold at Ushtagan will be determined, the director of the enterprise said.